What will I do in 2021?

In 2021, we use even all the ingredients in the world, as long as they are “clean food”, chosen from the suppliers that we know, we value and we defend. We use the technique, not to show how good we are, but to take care of the health.
The cook who knows the different cookings inside out is our first medical aid. Finally, let’s not stop preparing for tomorrow. Therefore, this year, Cantieri Sultano will publish its second Notebook. It will be called Vademecum, with my suggestions on how to think about a restaurant.
Thanks to Cookist for the opportunity https://www.cookist.it/quali-saranno-gli-ingredienti-e-le-cotture-per-il-2021-cosa-dicono-chef-e-giornalisti/
Photos: Marco Zanella, Giuseppe Bornò.

Ciccio Sultano
A practical mind