Take care of the sea – that’s how we do it.



The Testa family, a Sicilian family from Ognina, the ancient landing place of Ulysses, has been fishing in the sea surrounding the island for more than two centuries and is a partner of the Sultano Group.
Testa Conserve has always had environmental sustainability at the top of their priorities. A fundamental step in this direction is the complete control over the supply chain: from sea fishing of bluefin tuna and blue fish to the production in Testa’s own factory and distribution. And their commitment finds various practical expressions: through the recycling on board; the catch’s traceability, visible on the packaging;  the use of organic Evo oil that can be reused for seasoning and making sauces;  zero-plastic packaging; respect for the seasonal rhythms of nature and animals. And in this list, we couldn’t forget to add the most important element: the membership to ICCAT, the organisation that controls bluefin tuna quotas with great attention and responsibility and assign them to each boat. The European decision determining the creation of organisations such as this has saved the bluefin tuna from extinction.

Ciccio Sultano
A practical mind